More than ever before, your reputation is under the spotlight. In a world dominated by citizen journalism, digital media, and the 24-hour news cycle, there is an increased need for transparency, timeliness and authenticity.

Stakeholders expect companies to operate successfully and profitably, while also providing opportunities for employees, supporting the communities in which they operate and contributing to a sustainable future. Building that reputation starts at the top, with a company’s CEO.

CEOs are now expected to take a leadership role when it comes to representing the interests of the company with key stakeholders, including media and investors. This is why CEO profiling can play an important role in helping an organisation deliver on its strategic objectives.

At Cannings, you can be confident that we draw from deep knowledge and expertise across disciplines and sectors to build your recognition, protect your reputation and help you navigate the future.

We do this by gaining a deep understanding of your company’s position and business goals and engaging our diverse team’s in-depth understanding of the business environment. Specifically, we:

  • build a personalised communications platform.
  • make sure you are media ready.
  • identify opportunities and secure media coverage across major outlets.
  • work with your team to develop a content calendar that maps out opportunities to leverage your profile across social media and create news opportunities to increase your digital footprint.
  • identify and manage potentially negative issues.

Cannings is here to prepare and position your company and its executives to communicate effectively at crucial times: whether it be strategic to more tactical.